My stepson needed a birthday present for his girlfriend last week. Of course, being a 17 year old boy, he was broke! LOL A few days prior to her birthday, he came to me with an idea for a t-shirt that he wanted to make for her inspired my her cell phone background. I was thrilled that he chose to do something crafty and hand made for her.
After a trip to Michael's, he has his supplies. It didn't take long for him to create the design and he was ready to get to work. He was determined to do the whole thing by himself, so I was relagated to the role of supervisor. I am proud of him though - he created a gift that she loved. (The front is pictured above, the back below.)
Personally, I'm glad that he was inspired to do something handmade. It makes me feel that I've had a positive influence on him, with all my crafting ways! hehe
Happy Crafting!