Love Was In The Air...
...Last week. This week, however, has been all about getting my internet to work! Sometimes these 'modern conveniences' are a major pain in the rear end! A power outage late Sunday night started it all. That was followed by about 4 hours of playing with my wireless router only to find out there was a glitch with my service provider. Once the net was working again, we discovered the router was fired, probably from a power surge from the outage! GRRR! DH spent 4 hours last night getting a new router set up and secured. He is soooo my hero.
Now that all of that is behind me, let focus on the positive. Valentine's Day was last Saturday, a day of gifts and love. We like to keep things simple in my house, I asked DH to make me a card (which he did) and I made one for him. Well, actually, I made several for him, but I didn't know which I would give him. Hence, they are being posted after the fact! LOL
Here are the cards that I made, and I will post pictures of his gift once I get them off my camera! hehe Enjoy these pictures and feel free to let me know what you think!
Happy Crafting!

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